Yesterday I received an email from an artist named Deb, asking me why she should buy my book. What’s in it, and how is it different from TAA’s courses & blog posts?
Fair question! So, yesterday I did a short chat on Facebook on why you should buy my book How to Sell Your Art Online. Here’s the video, and below the video, I’ve outlined some of the highlights on why you should buy the book. If you want to see the table of contents, skip ahead to 14:00. Mobile users click here to watch the video on FB.
Why You Should Buy How to Sell Your Art Online
How to live a successful, creative life on your own terms. That sentence is the subtitle to the book. Most of the time, when people talk about fine art careers, they are talking about relying on someone else to sell your work for you, and often doing that in a way that undermines the artist’s long-term prospects. This book is about building art careers that will last long-term, rather than depending on a flash in the pan of promotional success from galleries that aren’t invested in your long-term growth as an artist.
Stories from artists in the trenches. If you’ve been following TAA for more than a few months, you know that we’ve highlighted hundreds of artists from around the world. This book is built around those stories. We went deeper with a handful of those artists like Gwenn Seemel, Kelly Rae Roberts and Matt Leblanc. The book contains an in-depth look at what they’re doing and what lessons you can take away from their business activities.
Learn to tell your story to the right people at the right time. In 7 years of helping other artists sell their art, I have discovered that every piece of art has a story. Artists who think their work doesn’t have a story are usually wrong. 9 months ago, an artist told me that her work didn’t have a story. When I told her she was wrong, she got offended. Just last week, she emailed me to tell me that I was right, and that she had embraced telling her story and that she was now on a roll, selling 1 – 2 new pieces every day for two weeks. This book focuses on helping you understand your own story and tell it in an effective way.
Its Illustrated! I’m looking forward to sharing the story of how I ended up picking Cynthia Morris to illustrate my book. She did an amazing job, and I’m so excited that she did it. We had to fight to find a publisher that would pay for a full color book. I’m glad that we did it. Harper Design, an imprint of the big publisher Harper Collins, is our publisher. Yes, this book is legit.
Its not just a rehash of the blog & courses. A lot of bloggers will take their blog and just repurpose them as content in the book. I did that a little bit. But the book is mostly original thought and in-depth research. The fine art market is in a huge state of flux right now. While researching the book, I interviewed some of the folks at the big online players like Artsy, FineArtAmerica, and others. There’s some good stuff in there about the future of the industry and how software is going to change the way that art is made and sold.
Now, you should also know that our flagship course, How to Sell Your Art Online, is much bigger than this book. But it’s $300+. The course contains videos, worksheets, and more. The book is a simple 194-page book that you can use as a reference, and it’s only $10.99 (as of this writing).
Some other FAQs
How big is the book?
194 pages, paperback.
If I buy the paperback, can I get an electronic copy?
Yes! Amazon has a bonus program that lets you get an electronic copy for only $2.99.
The book doesn’t have art on the cover! How can you have a book for artists without art on the cover? Did you think that wouldn’t be important?
The book is full-color illustrated by Cynthia Morris. We actually fought for a publishing deal that would be illustrated because we agree – shouldn’t art books have art in them?
If you care, here’s some more detail about the cover: Harper Collins’ design team went through several dozen iterations internally. Book covers are tricky things because what intrigues one person might turn off another person, even if they’re both professional artists. We did extensive research to see, among art-related business books, which books have sold best. It turns out that over the past few years, simple covers like HTSYAO’s cover have done significantly better than more intricate covers. That follows a broader trend in the book market, as well as the art market.
Cory, after listening into the entire day of your launch today I have just purchased your book. I sat and took notes into my sketchbook, as did a few doodles in between. My mind is reeling from all the information.
Many of the things that were discussed today are things I know, or things I’m practicing. I love the review to kick me in the butt, and look forward to trying out some new things. I am very thankful I found you.
I bought your book for the simple reason that I can read it on my own free time.
I work late nights so it’s nice to have there handy. Plus, I don’t burn up my data costs. It’s filled with a lot of good info, indeed. Very happy with a different look on how to do this. That’s my lifelong dream – to earn a living selling my art. Now thanks to you , I realize this is possible. This is a great year for me. I realized I am good enough, (and have been for years, actually). I went to an art fair and was showing my work to other artists, and they were saying “wow! that’s really good” and then the light went on. I can do this! I was better than some of the artists there! I finally found the passion to pursue in my life, and your site and book are a great key to opening a door to success. I thank you.
I just bought your book and I’m excited to get it in my hands. I love the information I’ve gotten from your blog, yet like so many artists, I work better with my hands! I like to flip pages, dog ear, and highlight. I love my library and I love adding books to all my different bookshelf sections (this one will go in reference, between art books and religion). Thanks for putting in all the time and effort, and giving info out for free. Certainly got me wanting to buy, so nice work. I can trust you know what you’re doing when it comes to marketing!
Cory, I’m so happy that I have bought your book. It is a must read for artists who take their art seriously. It is full of useful advice, the illustrations are great, the overall design of the book is very pleasant, and what I find the most empowering is the Chapter 1. You are on a great mission to help millions of us to do what we love and be able to live abundant. Thank you!
Thanks Ana – glad you like the book!
Hey my name is Jacob and I’m a artist and I’m sell some of my art
Hi Corey,
I read the digital version of your, book, over a period of two or three months, while waiting outside my daughter’s high school waiting to pick her up. I can say that your book offers excellent insights into Online Selling Strategies. I’m a fine-art photographer who specializes in creating still life images in the spirit of the Renaissance Masters like Rembrandt, Caravaggio, and Da vinci.
Your suggestions have not only changed my work, but have changed the way I approach how I sell my images. So thanks to your suggestions, One of my images survived the curation process for Adobe-Stock and will soon be listed on Fotolio and Adobe Stock. Although I submitted 8 images, only one image has made the cut so far. I think the reason is because my image that has been accepted, was the only image that I did not add a canvas texture to it. Therefore depending on this week’s news I should resubmit them without the canvas texture.
Other people would think that only 1 of your images made it? Too me, 1 out of 8 is a successful day for me and I wouldn’t have submitted my images without reading your book. I think you have to take your victories in small crumbs and just build gradually on each crumb until you accumulate enough for a whole cookie. I compare the internet with a large full, raucous, stadium, and you are trying to find one person that you have never met. You may find that person by systematically searching each section, each row, and each seat.
Thank you,
Congratulations Rusty. Keep it up!
Hey, Cory! I stumbled across you through some article I read recently and am very glad I did. I am currently a graphic designer (21 years in) and have been searching for years for the next thing to rescue me from the corporate world. I’ve decided that art is it! I have purchased your book and am reading it now. As some have mentioned, it’s info that is already out there. But what’s great is it’s all in one spot, a reminder of good practices, and it’s geared to artists! Can’t go wrong. Thanks! And kudos to you for being the lighthouse of hope for budding artists. We really can make a living doing art. Now to stop hearing all the nay sayers who say otherwise. 😉
Hi Cory:
I bought your book at B&N. No electronic version offered. How can
I get one. When I finish your book I’ll
Comment. I have been working on a new
Web site. Should be up an running by
End of this Feb.
Hope you get a chance to view it
Paul Steckler
Paul, I like your website, are you using a service like Wix or another platform to design it? If so would you mind sharing? I need a new ecommerce site. I use Spreesy now but it’s too basic. Thanks
Can’t find the ebook on amazon for $3 but I’ll buy it for full price if it’s not available anymore. Can you give me the link please if it still is.
Dear Cory,
Thank you so much for writing `How to sell your Art online’. It’s the first non fiction book I’ve ever read that I can’t put down! I find your style very honest and easy to read and packed full of great tips of the trade.
I’m about to launch into the business of selling my art, and with the help of your book (the first of this kind I’ve read), I’m inspired to keep moving forward!
Many thanks again!
Kind Regards
Helen Cann
i read that your book could be purchashed on kindle for $2.99. but its full price only….kinda leaves me thinking if you misrepresent a price, what else will you misrepresent?
Dear Cory,
I have not bought your book yet. It was Betty Krause who recommended me your book and website. Before purchasing your book I would like to know if all of the info also applies to selling art outside of the USA, since I live in the Netherlands.
Hope to hear from you. Thank you!
Dear Cory,
I found your book while browsing the art section of my local Barnes and Noble in Beaumont, Texas. It immediately grabbed my attention because 1) It is a new art book that deals with marketing! 2) I am very interested in selling my art online more. Needless to say, I bought it and am getting ready to devour it.
I noticed your website on the book’s back cover and decided to visit there before starting the book. I was surprised to see the free artist library and all the resources. Wow! I watched your video about the book (thank you) and now I am starting the book today. Appreciate finding you Cory! And I look forward to a better understanding of online art marketing.
Your new art friend, Stephe Lanoue
I have your book but just looked it up to start reading.