This week, we’re bringing you two great art marketing books by two different authors. Barney Davey wrote an awesome book that recently came out called Guerilla Marketing for Artists.
Since this interview was audio only, I thought it would be an interesting experiment to share it via this Soundcloud widget.
Soundcloud is a social network built around sharing audio files. If you are an artist for whom audio files are important, you might want to check it out.
In this interview, we talked about:
What is Guerrilla Marketing? 0:40
Jay Conrad Levinson wrote the original Guerrilla Marketing book years ago. Guerrilla marketing is essentially the idea that small, nimble marketing is how small companies win.
Why it’s a great time to be an artist 3:45
There are so many opportunities for artists to be authentic and connect directly with their collectors. People are more interested in knowing the artists and buying directly from there. “You can’t get more authentic than buying directly from the artist.”
The 100 collector idea 9:00
If you can, over the course of your career, bring together about 100 collectors who will buy from you regularly, then you will do well financially.
You can build and run a business yourself 17:00
Barney talks about Jason Horejs, a gallery owner whose father supported a family of 9 kids as an artist.
The Internet has empowered artists to make a living in ways that were never possible before 22:00
Print on Demand and similar web-powered services have given artists income streams that are low-cost, easy ways to make money from reproductions of their art. Not all POD companies are created equal in their pricing and how artists make money. Fine Art America’s top artists are making $10,000 per month.
Go grab Barney’s book!
A little “guerrilla” technique for reading the book—those you have amazon prime can borrow it for free on their Kindle.