To paraphrase Douglas Adams, I love opportunities. I love the whizzing sound they make as they go flying past.
Earlier this week I had an amazing opportunity come my way. Something that I have thought would be one of the best things that I could do. In the first moment, I was ready to abandon everything else that I was working on at the time, move my family to a new state, and jump in with both feet.
A few minutes went by, and after looking at it after the initial rush, I realized that it was not as good of an opportunity as I thought. It was bad timing. We can’t move right now. I promised my wife we would stay put while she finishes school. That’s still a year away. In addition, do I really want to drop everything that I am doing right now? Do I want to leave this beautiful city and all of the amazing friends that I have here?
No. Not really.
I just got distracted by the pretty shiny opportunity.
Stay Focused
I find that my creative mind wanders frequently. I like new things. I like new ideas. I constantly want to try new things and create something new. On top of that, I find that I have a wide array of interests. In addition to running this site, I am an actor, director, storyteller and husband. I love marketing, technology, chess, go, dungeons and dragons, and serving in my church. I get distracted quite easily.
I’m guessing that you probably aren’t too different from me. So, let’s say it together: Stay Focused!
When new opportunities come by, it’s easy to get excited and put a lot of energy into making it work, even if it’s not the best thing for you at the time. I’m not sure if I’m the right person to help you decide what’s important for your life at any given time. It’s an intensely personal decision, but I’ll offer this: take a moment before you leap.
Count the cost, both financially, emotionally, and physically. Is it worth the cost? Pray about it, or meditate on it, depending on your belief system. Do you still feel good about it?
How do you stay focused when pretty shiny opportunities come your way?
Focus and balance- said the photographer to the high wire walker.
Great reminder. My motto: “Keep your eye on the ball.” It works for me!
I can definitely relate to the ‘bright shiny object’ syndrome. And I’m here to tell you that you can overcome this syndrome and stay focused. It has been an every day learning process for me. Keep your hands on the rudder and continue to stay on course. Keep coming back to the present moment – do what is before you right now. That’s what works for me.
As a stubborn, creative optimist I see the potential in – almost everything! So, like you, it’s not always easy for me to successfully follow-through with an endeavor. Recently, I listened to a telegathering on the “Power of Saying No”. One gem I took away from the session was this: “If it doesn’t qualify as a “Hell YES!”, then it’s a no. Simple, but effective! All the best! Kay
“If it doesn’t qualify as a “Hell YES!”, then it’s a no.”
nice. this is golden