The cliche of bad actors going into teaching isn’t nearly as deserved as one might think. Most high school drama teachers are very talented individuals who have a passion for working with kids. It’s the unfortunate few bad eggs that give the rest of the bunch a bad name. My high school drama teacher changed my life.
Check out this story about the wonderful effect that drama teachers can have on their students. Thanks to TheaterFolk for the tip on that article.
UPDATE: Check out my latest thoughts on why the best artists should be teachers.
As a teacher myself, I HATE this saying. I have found that with the poor economy, job searchers are more and more saying,”I’ll just go get my certificate and get a teaching job.” URGH! No wonder teachers get little respect in the US. We think just anyone can be a teacher. In my 20 year career, I have seen tons of teachers. Believe me, there is a small minority who are gifted teachers. There is an art to it. Not just anyone will make a great teacher.
I think I’ll watch a couple of doctor shows and be a brain surgeon. Sound good?