I first heard about the importance of finding a “niche” while listening to The Abundant Artist’s online podcasts in October 2014. I understood what that meant but didn’t know how to find my niche. So I just kept on happily creating artwork, in series (landscapes, trees, flowers, rockwalls, farms, portraits, abstracts – and all in different shapes, sizes and media). As you can see, my artwork looked like a scatter shot!
In Feb 2016 I ventured out of my comfort zone to take Cory’s HTSYAO course. I couldn’t imagine how or even why I should ‘embrace’ this idea of a niche. But, I think that because I had no focus, implementing the concepts of art marketing was more difficult.
As I participated with the TAA Mastermind FB group, I received a lot of encouragement about my work, especially my abstracts. I loved making this textured art the most because, to me, the process was way more creative. But I still felt somewhat isolated and insecure because I didn’t know anyone else who was doing work like mine (creating art with miscellaneous items).
A year and a half later I participated in TAA’s PR and Media challenge, which along with making contacts with people in PR, it required me to search for “my online art market”. As I did this, I found a large community of people who create art from recycled items! This was a real “WOW” moment for me. I also discovered (with the TAA Mastermind’s group help) that this process was called “Upcycling”. Well, I felt like I had found my “family” and that I was actually creating legitimate art. This experience solidified my resolve to continue creating and marketing my textured paintings.
So this is what finding a niche was like. By embracing my niche, I’m in a new place, mentally and have more confidence about my artwork. I can also see that TAA’s marketing strategies will work better for me because I’ve found my “corner of the market”. Although I didn’t see it before, I now know that my art truly has a purpose! I’m creating beautiful things out of refuse, taking what was neglected and despised and causing it to be found and celebrated. I am transforming the Past, for the Future.
So, as a result of Cory’s latest free TAA challenge, look what happened in a week and a half:
• I sent out a solo show proposal and it was well received,
• I started researching and contacting journalists and newspapers,
• I applied to be a featured artist with an online art group,
• I updated my website to be highlight my upcycled art and process,
• I approached my art society to teach a workshop and it was well received, and within a couple months,
• for the first time, a gallery is representing me and my artwork!! Yay, and thank you TAA!
Website: dorothealeblanc.ca
FB: Dorothea LeBlanc Art
IG: dorothealeblanc

Would love to hear how you went about finding, then communicating with, your market/audience niche after you embraced your creative niche and what you might’ve done differently because of narrowing down your medium/ style! Thanks