2:33 Introducing Jolie Guillebeau, and her struggle to make it to art school, being foiled at every turn by parents, teachers, and institutions.
6:11 What happened immediately after Jolie graduated from art school (hint: she didn’t paint or draw for an entire year, paralyzed by fears, perfectionism, and the internal judge that came on board in school.)
8:00 How Jolie found her way out of the stuckness, and her first 100-day painting series (out of which 87 paintings sold, with a mailing list that started with just 42 people).
11:30 How Jolie grew her list from 42 to 270 people in 100 days.
12:55 Jolie’s story of facing down her “You’re Not a Real Artist” gremlins one at a time (her “Kill Bill List”).
16:16 How Jolie priced her different 100-painting series, the challenges of Name Your Own Price pricing, and finding her pricing “sweet spot.”
19:00 How Jolie transitioned into being a full-time artist, and a breakdown of where her income comes from now, including her actual income goals.
22:12 Being able to say “I’m an artist” without hesitation.
23:14 “Just as important is the product is talking about the process. In fact, in some cases, it’s more important!”
23:53 The importance to Jolie of connecting with her audience, and making art accessible, and how her experience in Africa makes it hard for her to price her art above $1,000.
25:44 “I really like the idea of my work being the first ‘real’ artwork that somebody purchases.”
26:42 The World Domination Summit, and Jolie’s role in it.
28:18 Keeping balance and sanity when you have a big project outside of your art life that can easily take over. (Hint: public commitment!)
31:22 Jolie’s advice to beginning artists.
32:37 How Jolie’s recent TEDx talk came about.
This is awesome, I love the idea to get over that first hurdle and get momentum. Jolie or Cory can I just ask about postage for the paintings and who covered that, you or the buyer? Thanks so much
The story how Jolie become an artist is great. Thank you for sharing! I really like the part when Jolie said she was asked to imagine what her perfect life could be and she knew at that point that she wanted to be an artist. I remember when I had a similar dream and for some reason I was creating excuses in my head that this is impossible, that people will not buy my art, that I am not good enough. One day that all changed. That day was a day when I decided to fully commit to being an artist and to do everything in my power to make this work. I think the clarity of your mind, commitment and constant actions are essential.