image by colin j campbell. used with permission
Is your website a Dark Wood where visitors go in and sales never go out?
You’ve got buyers. You know you do. You’ve got traffic coming to your website. You see that the average visits to your popular works are three minutes or more. You’ve got 2,000 followers on Twitter, 500 Facebook fans, and an email list of 1,000.
The only problem is that you’re still not selling anything. Why not?
Last week when I announced the Choose Your Own Adventure Group Coaching Sessions I heard back from a lot of you via email, and one theme that was recurring was:
“How do you close a deal once someone’s on your website?”
Great question.
My answer is this: the principles of sales are the same no matter what venue you’re using them in. You should always be asking for the sale. Does your website ask for the sale? You should make it easy for someone to buy something. Is it easy to make a purchase on your site?
Of course, I realize that it’s easy for me to sit here and say this. So here’s my question – should we add sales coaching to the group coaching sessions? As an artist, do you feel like you need to be able to sell better?
Is your website a Dark Wood where visitors go in and sales never go out?
Short answer, as someone who supports an artist and his business is: yes please.
Guidance on how to ask for the sale via a website without completely detracting from the visitors engagement with the work. Finding the best flow from engagement to sales.