A few artists are very good at blogging – most are not. I get endless questions about what to write about, how to blog, and whether blogging can be effective for artists.
The following is a list of my favorite art bloggers, as well as a handful of artist blogs that were recommended to me by readers of TAA.
If you are an artist looking for blogging inspiration, look no further than these inspiring individuals!
In addition to being a very talented event and fine art photographer, Aaron is a web developer. He’s one of the guys I go to when I have technical questions. He also has a handle on social media, and his blog focuses on social media for photographers, his own work for various technology events, and a mish-mash of other topics.
If you don’t know GapingVoid.com, then you are truly missing out on one of the great minds thinking about how art can change the world. Hugh’s original cartoons sit in the offices of some of the largest companies in the world, and he is looked to as a change agent and definer of culture. Hugh’s blog is a mix of his own work, the podcasts hosted by himself and his business partner, and his thoughts on the power of cartoons and art to change the world.
Janice is an award winning artist and entrepreneur who has won acclaim around the world for her work. You can read about her long list of awards on her Wikipedia page. Janice’s blog (and active Twitter account) focus on her work in progress, the mindset of being a successful artist, and inspirational material. Janice is truly an inspiring person and I’m excited to share her work.
Jolie is not only good at painting, but good at storytelling. She calls her blog posts stories. Every piece of art has a story, and Jolie’s blog posts tell the story of her art in progress. Jolie has made a name for her self by delivering paintings to her collectors on a daily basis – via email. For those who think that daily emails are too much, check out Jolie’s success!
UPDATE: Jolie’s site has updated since this post, and she no longer has a regular blog on her website. You can still see some of her writing at the link above.
Painter. Independent Artist. Self taught Force of Nature. Natasha is a true digital native. She has written for tech blogs like Mashable, worked for digital agencies, hosted endless live blogging and live painting sessions online, and recently, with me, hosted a Facebook Marketing for Artists course. You can find out more about that Facebook for Artists course here. Natasha’s blog focuses on a mix of her personal life, her children, her work as a painter and illustrator, and advice for artists on how to use the web to sell their art.
UPDATE: Natasha’s website does not appear to have a blog anymore.
I LOVE Melissa’s work as an artist, friend, and frequent collaborator. Melissa is a nurturer of creativity, a ketubah artist, a ukulele jazz singer, and multi-potentialite. Melissa’s blog posts tend to talk about the fragile nature of creativity, making your dreams come true, and her work as a visual artist and musician.
If there’s one thing that Kristen does well, it’s telling a story about her art. Every blog post that she writes tells the story of how her ceramics were started, where the ideas came from, or how she makes them. Here’s how one of her recent blog posts started.
When I was a kid, Grease was the word, but as a studio potter, Cup is definitely the word. It’s the form I make the most. It’s an object everyone uses. It’s useful, necessary, and ‘daily’ as well as personal, intimate, and homey. Tis the season for cups shows, and here’s some great venues where you can catch mine…
Do you have any artist bloggers that inspire you? Let us know in the comments!
@AGoodHusband Thanks 🙂
I am an artist,have been my whole life.I just started painting with acrylics,and would love to hear what people think of my work. These blogs are great,could sure use some help,and creative writing like they have done on here.
Thank You so much ! for providing the information regarding great artists. Regards
Norman Brodeur
Agreed. So good to read about the process behind work like this.
I’ve got some new blogs to go check out now, thanks Cory.
One artist that I find exceptionally inspiring is a painter I met through the wonderful land of blog. Stephanie Mealor Corder is an artist living in Decatur Georgia. Even though many miles separate us, she and I have become good friends and lean on each other during life’s trials and tribulations. She not only is a talented artist, but also offers me great motivation cheerleader style. Her kindness to others and love of sharing and teaching to children is an inspiration. Her blog is http://dragonflydegignstudios.blogspot.com/
Facebook @DragonflyDesignStudios-StephanieMealorCorder
@jaimehaneyartist Hi Jaime – thanks for the suggestion for Stephanie’s blog. Remember the conversation we had in last night’s coaching call about Digital Sharecropping? The same rule applies to Blogspot blogs. I am hesitant to point to any bloggers using Blogspot as good examples. They may be good writers, but usually the design is less than stellar – which should matter to an artist – and operating off of someone else’s sub-domain leaves you vulnerable to their whims.
@CoryHuff @jaimehaneyartist Yes, I remember. I thought we were just sharing bloggers that inspired us, not the design of their blog. Well in that case, you are right. Most artists have less than stellar blogs but while the look of a blog may attract me in the beginning, in the end it is what the person has to say that determines if I stay or not.
@jaimehaneyartist agreed. That’s why this list is so short.
One more to add to the list: Chase Jarvis. http://blog.chasejarvis.com/blog/
I love Gaping Void, as well as Hugh’s book, Ignore Everybody. One of my favorite artist blogs is A Fanciful Twist: http://afancifultwist.typepad.com/
Wow, thanks for including me on this list, Cory! I’m flattered to be among such good company. 🙂
One blogger I’d recommend is Laureen Marchand (a former Art Empowers member!), who blogs over at http://www.grasslandsgallery.com/blog-2/
Her stories of her life and experiences as an artist living at the edge of a national park in Canada never cease to compel me. Definitely one of my faves! (And fyi, Laureen has always been super-focused on her painting, and never thought of herself as a writer! She totally is, though. :))
Also, FYI, the piece of mine shown above is from 2005, and not at all representative of the kind of work I’ve been making lately. Here’s a link to more current stuff:
As you know, our Art Empowers members frequently ask what to blog about. So many visual artists feel at a loss for words. This post is great inspiration for any artist trying to figure out how to find their own, unique, blogging voice. Thanks for putting it together!
@MelissaDinwiddie I knew I should have asked you for a newer image before I posted 😉
Emmeline Craig’s blog…Emmeline is a very good writer as well as artist. Each entry is a work of art! Her blog is unique — an artist’s perspective on life, and sometimes (but not always) art.
I just got an email pointing out another awesome artist blogger that I didn’t know about. http://blog.baybayin.com/
He’s a Filipino calligrapher.
Hi Jaime – I want to thank you so kindly for including me in this list. Being an artist is sometimes (and necessarily) a solitary occupation. Blogging and connecting with other artists in a diverse global internet setting is a very big change from those artists that preceded us in history.
Connections open up doors of possibilities and expand our knowledge and hearts – exposing us to different viewpoints, cultures and at times, a barrage of news from which we have to filter what is true, necessary and inspires us.
Blogging for me, represents a place for me to share my thoughts, works, questions and insights. I write and post primarily for “me” – so that I might have some insight over a long term, of what is moving me.
After all…we are human beings and knowing ourselves is the greatest mystery of all time.
Whoops…faster brain than fingers here! Meant to leave the comment for Cory. 😉
“Blogging for me, represents a place for me to share my thoughts, works, questions and insights. I write and post primarily for “me” – so that I might have some insight over a long term, of what is moving me.”
Exactly. Great thoughts.
Here’s another artist blogger who totally rocks: Susie Lubell. Her blog is http://www.susielubell.blogspot.com/
Her website is http://www.susielubell.com/
Sign up for her newsletter to see a rockin’ great newsletter, too!
Is sign Up necessary
I started my blog with thoughts on composition and some behind the scenes look behind the making of my photographs. Teaching others to improve raises the bar for the artform.
There are a few bloggers whom I regularly follow because of their insights, namely Alexei Steele and Art Babel. These are superb. Alexei is an intellectual heavyweight.
Besides these there is Making a Mark and Rob Sloan’s blog.
Great list, Cory. Nice job curating a good mix. There is much to be learned about style, voice and content surfing these blogs.
Thanks Barney. What I found sad was how difficult it was to find even these 7. I think the art world has a long way to go online.
Energy if nurtured correctley will reap the benifits and at the same will be respected
Thank you for including me in your list! I appreciate the shout out. Your description of creating a story is exactly my hope and goal in blogging. Thanks so much.
Thanks for swinging by Kristen, and thanks for sharing your stories!
Thank you for this list, especially since it contained several artists I was unaware of before. I appreciate the time you take to help all artists have the opportunity to be successful!
Kelly Borsheim
Love this article. SOme of the artists I knew, some are new, but everyone of them will get checked out. Thanks Cory
I’ve been blogging since 2009 and that became a daily blog in December 2011. Blogging is my art notebook – sometimes about painting or writing or poetry or film, but always about art. Primarily it is a chronicle for me, but anyone is welcome to read it and comment. Thanks for the list of your favorites.
susan scoggins….
Really love the article, would love if you could look at my blog; hookedonadream.blogspot.com
I like Natasha’s digital work of art. the selection of colors are so wonderful and attractive. The design and choice of colors are incredible. it is very creative and skill full art of work.
This is great. Thank you. Maybe one day I’ll make the cut. http://ivantirado.com/blog/
I have been writing blogs, comments , some time short stories and posting sketches too on Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn but unable to generate any thing out this. It’ll be so kind of you if you may share some thing so that some earning may be generated. After all, in this materialistic world every thing is connected with material gains
just a few of the many artist who blog, but still thanks i wasnt aware of most of them
Really nice artist felled with amazing artist 😀
Really nice. There is so many amazing artist here.
I know this is an old post. The party is over, but the link came up in my search for blogging artists.
I’ve met Aaron Hockley,so, I appreciate that he is on the list. It’s amazing how many great artists blog and share such good information. And frankly, I’m sad how many don’t share. There is such great benefit to blogging and sharing your work.
Amy Kollar Anderson is a prolific artist blogger.
These are so wonderfully inspiring to me as an artist who is trying to be more regular with my blogging. I’ve noticed when I blog more frequently that it actually promotes more creativity within my work and makes the business side of the job more balanced and productive. Thank you for sharing!!
Nice blog! Congratulation!
honestly, I came to your blog after googling artists’ blogs. You’re right! Not that many artists blog. I rarely share my art on my blog (which is more a lifestyle and fashion blog) and everytime I do, I get very few visits…ok, I know digression is not a good way to open up a comment but it is an interesting question.
Anyway, I do like your list and I’m thankful for this recommendation post you shared…I will be checking out this artists for sure.
Thank you for this list!
All of them are really inspiring but I am particulary interested in Jolie Guillebeau’s work as I like to do storytelling alongside with my art too, I love painting things to express something, tell a story or paint a song, it’s so refreshing!
In case you guys are interested in my art, here is my blog : http://yasmines-friends.blogspot.com/
This is great. Thank you.
I have gone to several artists blogs in the past and then received a lot of security warnings from my filter. is this just a hazard of surfing the blogs? It sort of turned me off to the blog searches and I am not certain if I want to encounter this same problem again.
Thanks Cory. I am looking forward to checking these all out. Unfortunately, I am one of those sporadic and inconsistent artist bloggers! A combination of fearing that what I have to say won’t be of interest to enough people and my words and time will disappear into the great abyss. Also, I put a lot of content over on my facebook page which I know I shouldn’t, however it is where a lot of my collectors and followers will respond and connect in real time. That seems to draw me in each time as my primary form of communication and then there never seems to be enough time left to get consistent with blog posts and newsletters. However, it is on my ‘to-do-list’…as well as finding and strengthening my own unique blogging voice. Cheers. Tanya from downunder at Tanya Cole Arts
Thanks a ton for sharing this post.Really Wonderful
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best painter
Thanks Cory for this wonderful list 🙂
You can find the best painting washed off in the rain and it’ looking real photo.
I find it difficult to actually find art blogs. The few I did find I find hard to read. So I started my own blog. I like doing this but it is certainly for others to decide whether they like my posts or not.
Art comes in many forms. I enjoy creating emotion with many of these forms. I think first I’m a writer who enjoys sketching with pencil and pen and occasionally paint and chalk. Another form I enjoy is photography with my 35 mm and also being creative with my iPhone. As long as an artist is expressing emotion through a form that is natural to them, I believe this is true art. Marketing is difficult for artists as this takes away thought and time from their core talent. But marketing is essential in the world of entrepreneurship. I hope that the number of true appreciators will grow in this niche as this is necessary for artists to be able to continue to provide true art. I hope that people will be inspired at https://www.thewoodsedge.co/
I am also a self taught artist, This post is so helpful. I know it takes too much time to come up with your work. Natasha, I liked your tips. By profession I am also a Digital Marketer and fully agree with your points.
Thanks for the heads-up on these other artist bloggers. I am checking them out right now. I definitely agree that being an artist and blogging is tough! I am a writer first; that has been my career path. However, I still find it challenging to combine art and blogging. I just want to paint. Blogging take conscious effort on my part. But I am slowly getting a bit better at blogging regularly. It took sheer willpower to get my artist website set up! 🙂
great blog!!Thanks for sharing this informative blog with us. great stuff. I like your content of list you included. please
keep sharing such innovative ideas with us.
painters kingston
Love this list of blogs! It is extremely hard to keep a consistent up to date blog but once you get into a habit and you provide enough value to your community it pays off big time!
I think it took me 2 years before I really started seeing any success from my blog and it took many many attempts to find the posts/content and topics people liked! On top of that being a full time painter isn’t easy either 😉
I found this post through professional artist mag and glad it was included, will share with a few people I know will get value from this!
Thank you for this!
I’m also an illustrator who runs a lifestyle blog. I always find fashion blogs but have such a hard time finding others who have the same niche as myself.
I look forward to reading through these.
Milli Stephania
I enjoyed your list. Blogging is definitely important for artists.
Although this is an older post, I found a couple to blogs follow. Especially, Hugh Mcleod. He makes me think when it comes to the business of my art.
Excellent paintings and photography, Thanks a lot for sharing.
Appreciate this post. Let me try it out 😉
Nice collection. Everyone has their own style and creativity, I want to see your updated list from the time it is posted
It’s hard to find an Art blog like this. Inovative Ideas turned into an Astonishing Painting. Keep your blog updated.
Thank you so much for this post and for the wonderful inspiration! Actually I post blogs sometimes and I know that the creatity is also important for blogging and many other things need to be learned.
Thanks for this list. I’ve discovered some blogs that I will follow.
Your blog is awesome! Thanks for all of the great links to these wonderful artist. I am also an Inspiring Artist and love seeing other peoples’ art!
Good list of art blogs. Visited all the mentioned websites. But two blogs were showing incorrect url. I was actually searching for list of bloggers who post drawings, sketches etc.
Love this list of blogs! – I like your content of list you included. Please keep sharing some more!
thnaks for sharing list of blogs would love to read the other blogs
Thank you for sharing these, i hope to learn something form them. I am also a recently turned full-time artist and just beginning to learn the value of online blogging and interacting with other artists to learn and share.
Please visit my site to share your comments- http://www.niketafazal.com
Excellent, I appreciate your efforts. keep it up the good work.
I’m just getting started in seriously working the business side of art, developing my website, blogging and putting work out on Social media. So, I’m curious – does blogging help sell art? Does it help customers find you? I realize the many benefits of sharing thought processes, creative resources, inspiration, etc., but I’m wondering if/how it can affect the bottom line.
I’m always curious about what types of topics artists decide to write about. Would be neat to see what types of topics are typical for those types of blogs.
Love this list of blogs!Nice collection. I want to see your updated list from the time it is posted.
ts good to know that today’s generation is working hard to maintain and nourish the delicacy and history of the Arts our ancestors once used to create
I as well enjoy the blogs mentioned. It’s a jungle out there so it’s good someone makes the selection 🙂
Check the first 3 blogs you added!
2 of them are broken urls and nothing on the pointed pages… Please update your post.
It’s a really nice artist felled with amazing artist. Thanks for the sharing.
Great blog and inspirational. Keep up the good work!
The list you covered of inspiring artist they all are really awesome guy and after reading your blog i am going to defiantly search on Google about their design all, thanks for sharing such a precious blog, hope will get the future update in regular basis from your side, highly recommended.
I was feeling a bit alone in the world of artist bloggers. I was wondering if there are artists who blog. Thank you for this list. I needed the inspiration to continue my blog.
Thank you for this list. I disovered some great artists I didn’t know!
We really like your content
We at art culture festival are looking for representatives, contributors, bloggers, artists, etc. to represent us in your city. Art culture festival is based in India. Ours is a digital platform.Through the website we provide a multi-dimensional platform that uses a holistic approach to showcase art and its forms under its ambit. We are art and culture aggregators who like to explore the realms of creativity and celebrate form and traditions.
I check your site here and there. I don’ t look for it specifically, but it sometimes comes up whether the search terms are relevant or not.
I suppose, it was quite a while ago when the list was published, therefore, these blogs either are discontinued or do not strike as very impressive, except natasha is fairly well-known, I suppose because she takes part in a lot of things.
Facebook has changed a lot and it certainly serves well to people who can invest in advertising.
I find that it’s not always the art or the blog which find frequently place in such lists, but probably the contacts and to a big extent exposure to a global art scene.
I’ m teaching a lot and that has taken me to sideways sometimes. However, most people who try to understand what medium and why they should choose, as well as how to become a good artist, say that my blog was the one which inspired them a lot. I’ve been writing my art and lifeschool blogs since 2012. Being not born in North America and being a newcomer after 50, I’ m over 60 now, is tough. I gave up established life and became unknown. So, it would be nice to see my art blog at least take off more effectively. Well, I moved it to website and lost about 3000 followers.
Thanks for your articles, they give some kind of ideas here and there and also make one explore more than the obvious opportunities.
I am also an artist. Love to make drawing and paintings.
Another wonderful and inspirational blog is by Fine Art Farm (https://fineartfarm.com/ ). I absolutely adore these artists!
Hey Cory, I really like the list you made, thank you for this article! Blogger artists are such an inspiration for all of us!
Thanks for the list. I just started to build my own art blog, so i often check out other artists blog 🙂 will you make a new list with other artists in the future?
Quite a fine collection it is, Thanks for the share!!
Great blog!
Just came across this blog today. I need someone to help me out on how to blend two images in a single frame in such a way that viewing the picture frame from one angle, you see one of the images and viewing it from another angle you see the other image. I’ll would be pretty glad.
It would be great to update this list for 2019. I’m searching for artist’s blogs all the time, and surprisingly, they are still difficult to find. Oh, you see lists of “great artist’s blogs you have to follow!!” but too often they’re all announcing the same ole- same ole.
So, in case there are others like me, I’ll announce my blog here. https://gallery.jrileystewart.com/blog and hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for sharing such a piece of valuable information. As I am also related to this business and it’s the platform to get some new and innovative ideas. Great job!
Katya draws very cute kids illustrations.
Would love to have one on the wall in the kids’ room.
Love that you chose to showcase individual artists. I think a blog that’s doing awesome things is actually Artie’s Eight by Frame Destination. Their interviews with artists and photographers are always packed with little nuggets.
Lovely suggestions.
Would love to share a very interesting read that I came across recently. Picasso writing to his lover Dora Maar in times of Covid-19. A very heartwarming read and wanted to share with the readers here. Let me know if you like it :
Seems kind of funny that you are promoting how “great” blogging is with artist references, half of who quit blogging. It is just a blowhard waste of time to boost search engine results. Everyone you posted wrote the same basic crap.
Very inspiring! I like the paintings of this lady – https://magdalenakielb.com/gallery/
I don’t know much about pictures, but these are different from any I’ve ever seen.
Thank you so much for this list of artist. I was unaware of before buy now i will follow them. I appreciate the time you take to help all other people by this blog, it was really very helpful for me.
Thanks Cory!
Thank you for this list – currently building a site for myself and got EXACTLY the inspiration I needed from it.
Thanks for sharing this !
I simply wanted to thank you so much again. I am not sure the things that I might have gone through without the type of hints revealed by you regarding that situation.
Thank you for this list – currently building a site for myself and got EXACTLY the inspiration I needed from it. It was really very helpful for me!
I just stunned to look at this masterpiece ohhh!
Thank You for your information.
Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. This is really a great stuff for sharing. Keep it up . Thanks for sharing.
I just came upon this list today and it’s a great list! But as many said, an update to this would be great.
As an emerging artist myself, I find that artists are either really good at utilizing the written words or really bad. That’s why some have really nice blogs and some are a bit lackluster. It’s nice to see some artists for inspiration and also take a peek into their creative process. For some artists who still document their thoughts nowadays, it seems most choose to record a video of some sort.
Blogging also reminds me of the journal my lecturers would force me to make, so maybe that’s why I’m still not too keen on doing it, but seeing some of these artists’ blogs, I see why it could be a good thing to keep some sort of documentation to the artistic process
I simply wanted to thank you so much again. I am not sure the things that I might have gone through without the type of hints revealed by you regarding that situation.
Very informative blog. Thanks for sharing
I do love Kristen Kieffer’s artworks.
I love this sort of art. It’s so unique and expressive.
these are great painters, thank you for sharing
I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. Therefore, I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.
Thanks for giving great kind of information. Very useful and practical for me. Thanks for your excellent blog, nice work keep it up thanks for sharing the knowledge.
Great article! I like the way these artists think outside the box and use the blog format in their own ways.
I recently started a blog on my website. I still have a lot to learn about blogging, so I am grateful for articles like this one.
I’m new to the world of art, but will let you know when I find a great blog.
Thanks, Cory! I always admired good art bloggers. I only wish I could be as prolific as they are. Good inspiration!
These are awesome paintings. I love these artists and their work