Are you happy to give all of your focus and passion to just one or two interests, perhaps building your career around that interest? It often feels like the expected norm, but there are so many creative souls out there that feel stifled by the prospect of settling on just one thing.
If you’re nodding your head, you might be a multipotentialite.
What’s a Multipotentialite?
TAA founder Cory is one. Emilie Wapnick is, too. Her TED talk on being a multipotentialite is a must-watch:
A multipotentialite is someone who has a wide array of passionate interests, and who struggles mightily with feeling forced to choose one to focus on.
Why it Feels Like a Bad Thing
Being a multipotentialite can cause you to feel like there’s something “wrong” with you- while everyone else is settling into focused careers, you balk at the prospect of narrowing your field of interest. You may end up spinning your wheels and not getting much done at all, afraid of missing out on something great if you settle.
Why it Can Be a Great Thing
The great news is that multipotentialites are curious, passionate, and driven people. With a little guidance, you can learn how to thrive and create the life you’ve dreamed about without giving up any of your varied creative pursuits. Check out this podcast episode we did with Emilie on how to build your dream career when you’re a multipotentialite:
Multipotentialite Must Haves
If you’re going “wow… that sounds like me,” check out the Multipotentialite Must-Haves bundle:
Multi-Passionate Must-Haves is a bundle of 17 hand-picked books, courses, and resources that will help you build a sustainable life and career around your MANY passions. This year, the products in the bundle will address three broad topics: work, creativity and fear. These tend to be areas of challenge for multipotentialites. For 72 hours, you can buy all 17 products for $97 (a 94% discount).
Just a few of the cool things included in this bundle:
The Abundant Artist Association (3 month membership) by Cory Huff- hey, that’s us! ($100 value – EXCLUSIVE)
Figure Out What Fits by Scott Anthony Barlow ($397 value)
Erase the Chaos Toolkit by Melissa Dinwiddie ($20 value)
How to Be Everything Bonus Interviews by Emilie Wapnick–($27 value– EXCLUSIVE)
Premium Momentum Planners by Charlie Gilkey ($12 value)
Rock Your Systems by Michelle Nickolaisen ($47 value)
Ask An Oracle Call by Dyana Valentine ($100 value)
Roots and Wings by Paula Jenkins and Christy Tending ($149 value – EXCLUSIVE)
The NOW Year™ Action Plan by Mike Vardy ($199 value)
Crowdfunding Essentials by Nicole Piar and Jennifer Lee ($97 value)
Renaissance Business by Emilie Wapnick ($49 value)
Unveiling Your Business Uniquity & Making It the Foundation of Your Brand by Michelle Ward ($97 value – EXCLUSIVE)
The total retail price for the bundle comes to $1,594, but until May 17, you can grab all of these products for $97. Get the Bundle.
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