This week’s featured Association member is Bart Levy.
TAA: How would you describe your art to your ideal collector?
Bart: Impressionist/expressionist, affordable, scenes and objects of beauty.

TAA: What motivates you during slow seasons?
Bart: Currently, my 100 paintings in 100 days project. Even when I might otherwise find excuses for not going to the studio, my very public announcement and follow-up keep me going every day. And I’m always glad to be back at it, every day.

TAA: How did you settle on your current way of working? (How did you narrow your focus?)
Bart: I’m a somewhat literal-minded person, so I paint what I see. I like capturing the moment.

TAA: What is one mistake you’ve learned an important lesson from in your business?
Bart: I’m still new at the business end of it, but I think my biggest mistake is my own impatience. I’m getting a lot of nice feedback, but few sales.

TAA: What was your greatest success from the past year?
Bart: I’m getting some nice PR from the 100 paintings/100 days project. I’m hoping it turns into some of the bigger sales I mentioned above.

Bart Levy’s painting style is somewhat impressionistic, somewhat expressionistic. She captures the openness of the landscape. The rural landscape in Virginia and North Carolina is emptying out. She captures that loneliness of the wide open fields and skies.
The land is flat. No grand vistas, no scenic overlooks. The view is all overhead and that continues to influence my landscapes to this day. She likes to try to capture the infinite qualities of a blue sky, the effect of that big sky and the heat and humidity it creates, and the always-changing clouds. By the same token, she captures the beauty around us, both in the intimate still life and in her surroundings. You can see more of her work at
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