This post has been updated since originally published. A lot has happened since Pinterest launched. We’ve seen some pretty awesome stories. Pinterest can drive a lot of traffic to your site, and drive a lot of sales.
Here’s the thing, there are few best practices for selling art on Pinterest right now – but some people are figuring it out. Everyone’s doing their own thing. Pinterest is still figuring out a business model – and they are also dealing with some very real challenges in regards to copyright.
That said, I’ve spent some significant time looking at how artists are driving traffic and interest with Pinterest. In this post, I’ll lay out:
- how I’m seeing artists doing well with Pinterest
- what’s hype and what’s not
- my take on the Pinterest Copyright issues
- who to follow on Pinterest
This will be a living document. I’ll make changes and updates as things progress, so be sure to check back here.
How to Sell Your Art on Pinterest
Here’s how many artists are using Pinterest to promote their work.
- Use as a digital portfolio of your work. This is head-slappingly obvious, but Pinterest does a great job of showing off our work in a visually appealing way. They beat other social networks on displaying art, hands down.
- Reference Pinboards. I think this is wonderfully savvy. Not only can you keep your inspiration in one place, but collectors can get an idea of what inspires you and make a personal connection.
- Show the progress of your work. Believe it or not, some people are keenly interested in the creative process. They like to see how the sausage is made, so to speak.
- Storyboard ideas. If you like to sketch ideas out before hand and see how they’ll progress, this is great use and allows others to see how things are going to progress.
I’ve seen a number of artists who are doing all of these things and more. Here are my suggestions for additional items to be aware of when using Pinterest:
- Complete your profile. People are going to want to know more about you. Add a link to your artist website as well!
- Pin regularly. Like other social media, it’s best to pin steadily over time, instead of in huge spurts with big gaps in between.
- Add prices! If you sell prints online or other low-price items, then adding a price to your pins will display a banner on the item, letting people know your work is for sale.
- Share other people’s pins as well as your own images. This will bring more attention and help you build community.
- Check out – this will show you who is pinning your images, and give you a good idea of the kind of work that people are interested in.
Advanced Moves for Pinterest art vets:
- Highlight your collectors. Many artists get pictures of art hung in their collector’s home. Create a board to highlight your collectors – this shows that people are buying your work!
- By the same token, post a board with testimonials from your collectors.
- Create boards for the classes you teach, and use them as supplemental material for your students. Highlight their work as well.
- Offer Pinterest exclusives. Each of your marketing channels should have a reason to connect there. Perhaps a limited print run that’s only displayed on Pinterest.
Want more? Check out Andreea Ayers’ Pinterest Advantage course.
Don’t Buy the Hype
Keep in mind that even though Pinterest has had a meteoric rise to prominence, it’s still a new site and they don’t have a business model. They could go away tomorrow. Don’t invest all of your hope in Pinterest. The smart play is to use Pinterest as a way to drive people to your site and get them on your mailing list or purchasing your art.
Remember that if it’s free, you are the product, and you are building someone else’s business. Your own site is the best place for long term marketing growth.
Copyright Issues
Oh, no! Pinterest might steal my images and make millions of dollars off of them! Artists around the Internet are freaking out over Pinterest potentially stealing their work.
I’m well aware that Pinterest’s terms and conditions state that they can reuse your images for anything that they want. Let’s just assume that they are going to change those soon. Facebook was in the same position a year ago and they changed. Any company that truly tried to make money off of other people’s images like some people think Pinterest is going to would get buried in lawsuits.
Of course there are also issues with the way that Pinterest shares work. If someone re-pins an image, there’s no link back to the original site. This is, of course, a problem. If it’s a big deal for you, watermark your images. If you want to opt-out of Pinterest altogether, then go ahead and implement this code and nobody will be able to pin your images…well sort of. They could still download and upload your images, or just take a screen shot.
Let’s not lose the forest for the trees folks.
Pinterest will get their copyright issues sorted out, or they will go away. It’s that simple. Business just works that way. If you want to wait until Pinterest figures out their new terms and conditions, go ahead, but you’re missing out on the land grab. I have every confidence that Pinterest will do the right thing by their users.
So, in the mean time…
Let’s All Do Pinterest Together
Post your Pinterest profile in the comments below, and I’ll be sure to repin some of your images in the Abundant Artist pinboard. Be sure to follow that pin, and me, and also share the work of your fellow artists!
Also, if you’ve had any success with Pinterest, let us know in the comments. We would love to hear some real-world success stories from artists who have grown their business with Pinterest.
Happy pinning!
Finally a balanced article. see ya on Pinterest.
Heavy but enlightening! Thx for sharing!
Thanks. great resource.
My pinterest boards can be found at
I feel weird about putting my price on my art on pinterest… not sure why! I don’t like the way the money is displayed on the image.
@itsalebeau I understand. I’m not a fan of the way that it looks either – but would you rather have it look good, or would you rather have people look at it? Legitimate question…
@CoryHuff Right? I know. It seems so glaring to me. But I just spent some time scrolling through the main pinterest pins, and the art pins, and more often than not the banner didn’t jump out at me in an obnoxious way. Can’t hurt to give a go, right?
Great post Cory! Here’s my profile –
There sure is a lot of Pinterest talk floating around the web right now.
This is a great article Cory!
I think Pinterest can be a fantastic way to share your work, and you’ve made some excellent suggestions here Cory, so thanks for that!
The main problem I see with Pinterest is the re-pinning of other people’s work and this is where the waters get very murky indeed!
There’s a very good post I read recently, written by a photographer / lawyer who has decided to remove all her boards after she took a serious look at their Pinterests terms and conditions. It’s a very interesting read. Her blog exploded because of the amount of traffic that post started receiving. She now has 233 comments on that post!
This shouldn’t put anyone off uploading their work but it may make you a little more mindful about what you re-pin. I’m certainly thinking about it 🙂
@AlisonQuine I read that article too. Right now I’m not re-pinning something if I can’t go back and figure out its source so I can give it credit. That is my compromise!
@AlisonQuine I did read that post on ddkportraits, and I still think the entire situation is over blown. As @Stan Bowman mentions above, it’s the practical business realty that keeps Pinterest from abusing the copyright terms. They will change soon. Those who have been practical in their exploitation of Pinterest will benefit. The re-pins are indeed murky – but I would imagine that it will only get better.
@CoryHuff I’m sure Flickr also gets a lot of flack for people using images without crediting the owner too. Pinterest is just getting it now because they’re the new kid on the block. You’re right, it probably will settle down 🙂 I’m organizing my boards right now 🙂
Useful ino, I have definitely been sucked into Pinterest- it’ll be good to have it work for me!
I was in Walmart a few days ago and overheard three women talking about Pinterest. It’s definitely taking off.
Here is a link to me on Pinterest:
I just wanted to say that if you double click on any image on Pinterest, you will be taken to the original site from which the photo was pinned….once in a while I haven’t been able to trace an image back to its original owner, but always those pins originally came from a general area on or from flickr. I think all the worry about copyright on pinterest is probably not going to last…
@fort.cindy I see a problem too when something comes from tumblr. Really hard to find the image once you get linked back to the tumblr it came from!
@itsalebeau thanks for mentioning that – I forgot about tumblr!
Thanks for the balanced review of Pinterest. I joined yesterday, put up one of my images just as a test, and within an hour had 9 responses, 7 who added it and 2 that repined it. Quite impressive.
For several days I have followed discussions on another forum by photographers who are freaking out over the Terms of Use, saying it gives Pinterest the right to take and use their images in any way they seem fit. As if Pinterest would dare do this, they would be out of business soon thereafter if the word got out. And we have to remember copyright is a US invention and those visiting and joining Pinterest are worldwide. So those who are overly worried should not join Pinterest, but also remember even if you don’t join someone can pull an image from your website and pin it there anyway.
Thanks for some great suggestions Cory. I’m finding Pinterest quite adictive – it’s a real visual feast! I’ll have to try adding some prices… I feel that it’s all about getting the balance right – some displaying, some sharing and a little bit of self promotion. It’s definitely the most fun social media for me!
I’m just starting with Pinterest, so I appreciate the pointers.
My profile:
When you’re pinning your own work be sure to put your full name in the description. Most repins leave the descriptions intact so your original text will usually stay with your photo. I always try to add the artist’s name even when it isn’t in the original description, but so I really appreciate it if it’s already there.
Great Article, so appreciate having you pin my work
My Profile:
Great read! Very informative 🙂 Would definitely appreciate the re-pin as well! Thanks Cory!
Thanks for helping to demystify Pinterest. I’m still navigating my site but by all means re-pin what I have so far! Thanks 🙂
@thepractical_aw you bet! That’s what we do at TAA.
Ok, I’m off to pin everyone! Here’s mine
Thanks for another great article, Cory. Here’s my Pinterest link:
Great article. I hadn’t heard of the way to see who’s pinning my images. My profile is here:
Great article. I hadn’t heard of the way to see who’s pinning my images. My profile is here:
Nice article —
Hi Cory, excellent informative article about Pinterest! Thanks a lot.
My Pinterest:
The reason photo-sharing apps have liberal copyright policies is because they want to be able to interface with as many other apps as possible. They want to be able to connect with Twitter and Facebook and G+ and countless other entities as well as search engines without getting entangled with regulation. They will tighten it up once they get their feet more on the ground.
Hallmark and other major licensing companies use photo sharing with their images on Facebook and countless other places. Haven’t seen them on Pinterest yet, but I am sure they will get there. If Maxine and Hoops & YoYos aren’t worried about copyright infringement, why should I be?
I think it is wise to be aware of the dangers, but I agree, the benefits definitely outweigh the potential consequences.
Great article Cory, thanks. I am on Pinterest,
We just recently started Pinning too and will start following the people you listed soon. Here’s mine:
This sound great – how do I get started? I have lots of work to post.
Very good article Cory. I recently joined Pinterest and am loving it. This is me:
I’m following you and will follow others who reply here. You are all welcome to follow me.
@emilyroseartist is correct about the back pinning to find the original link. My advice is to click every picture before you repin it. Click it again and it should take you to the site it was originally pinned from. I’ve only found a very few so far that don’t link back to the original site.
Hi Cory – thanks for this. You will probably have already seen but Pinterest state today in their updated terms: ‘Our original Terms stated that by posting content to Pinterest you grant Pinterest the right for to sell your content. Selling content was never our intention and we removed this from our updated Terms.’
So you were !00% right there!
I am starting to add to my boards: could you add my profile to your list –
thats 100% right!
Thanks for the insightful article Cory. New to Pinterest also…following for sure. My pinterest link is
Great article! A very through going over and much appreciated – I took a spin around Pinterest and it is a Nice looking site, clean – and – eclectic all at once, but I’m having a problem. Since I’ve been ‘getting down to business’ with what I want to do with my art life my to-do list has grown exponentially and that’s fine – it needed to happen after years of fearful neglect.
I’ve put up a page for my art on facebook, I have a flickr account and make an effort to put my eyeballs on as much art as I can in the real world as well. I’ve been tinkering with my website and it’s close to done enough to announce. I joined mail chimp and straightened out my mail list. I’ve got a zazzle account with a few ‘posterized’ versions of my art – I’m making an effort to contribute by way of the written word as I look for blogs which have something to do with the kind of art I make (just started a serious search) and I’ve got a business plan cooking as well as some notes jotted down about a new artists statement and a practice press release – There are also descriptions/stories to add to the website – a little more SEO stuff to learn and do – google analytics, and I could go on –
The way the internet provides one venue after another with opportunities to display our art, make communities and really connect and learn from one another is incredible! But I’m feeling that I’ve got enough type and click going on already – I guess my question boils down to this – Does Pinterest provide a more viable way to find community and common interest, critique and possible patrons than Flickr? I could go with one or the other – but doing both really seems like a bit much – considering how long my list is getting and how my studio time is at a premium. Or do they serve totally different needs?
@janeelliott27 congratulations on getting so much done! I would say that Pinterest is on its way up, where Flickr is on its way down. I would concentrate on getting your site launched, building a solid presence in one place, and then adding the next as time permits.
Wonderful article – thank you!! I’ve had moderate success with Pinterest, getting a couple inquiries monthly via pins (that are watermarked), which pleases me greatly given that i’ve not invested much time/energy into developing a marketing plan that includes pinning – although that is currently in the works. Previously, I’d only been using Pinterest for research and am integrating a more aggressive approach to promo-ing my artwork there in the next month. I have been updating my FB fan page with in-process photos of my artwork several times/weekly (and get all sorts of buzz when I do that, too!), but hadn’t thought about linking those images into Pinterest – thanks for the idea!!
I am ksantini on Pinterest and Kimberly Kelly Santini on FB. Thanks so much!! 🙂 Kim
Hi – just to let everyone know, I received several repin notifications this morning, so very happily I went to see who had been appreciating my work :o)
It slowly dawned on me that these were not people, but a randomly generated page to look like people. Seemed to originate from Ponfom, who seem to sell conterfeit luxury goods. Cant say more than that really but it doesn’t look right or real. As we say in Britain – Yuck. Big disappointment.
I am not giving up yet but just wanted to share this with others in case the same thing happenes to you.
I have however commented on all these repins, so my identity can be seen, and will be removing and repinning everything again with watermarks in the coming days.
I have also written to Pinterest to tell them this has happened.
@SaraPendlebury The Pinterest spammers will get nailed soon, but right now they’re making a killing by adding affiliate links. It’s frustrating, but I trust that they will get thinned out. Pinterest is driving entirely too much traffic right now. They’ll be accepting investors like flies to honey, so I’m not worried about money.
@CoryHuff yep thanks Cory I think you are right and this will not last and the spammers will leave – but I took it as a chance to clean it all up and make sure things were properly watermarked etc. The benefits of being there definitely outweigh this type of incident
An interesting article on copyright, and pinterest – Is this where it becomes imperative to watermark? I’m still considering opening a pinterest account –
@janeelliott27 watermarking is often a good practice!
I never thought of starting my own artwork board, derrr. I created one today. Now I can start filling it up.
Question: I see price “banners” in the corners of some of the “pins” how does that work? Is it automatic from the storefront?
Great site, Thanks
@bilChamberlin Just add a price to the description, and Pinterest will automatically add the banner.
Great article! I’m new to Pinterest, but love, love LOVE it! I just skipped right over flickr, for right or for wrong; and I have to admit as a visual artist (well, mostly – I’m in fact an Architect by trade) that Pinterest is a dream come true. I already have some boards for inspiration, to replace my moldy old folders for same that are buried on my hard drive and never used. I also have 2 boards for my own work, but I have been neglecting them a bit – my main reason for using Pinterest is not for marketing, but just as the great tool that it is for digital organizing. And I’m hosting a group board for some of my local hand-crafters. Also to my surprise I love the social interaction aspect, even though unlike with FB, a lot of it is with folks I don’t even know!
My link is I’ll check out those in this thread!
Very nice article. As a company you shouldn’t add price tags though. There has been a study (according to mashable) which shows it will end up in less repins and likes. I’ve found some great articles on this site too. Feel free to check it out.
Thank you for your thoughts on Pinterest Cory! I joined it a couple of days ago and I’m already hooked. I wasn’t sure about displaying my art but I’ve had a sudden change of mind 😉
My pin-
Thank you!
@melissaeve Interesting…I’m not on pinterest, but this may make me reconsider it. I like sharing and seeing the creative process.
@muddyfur couldn’t hurt I guess. I’m on it here:
@Exhibit_you how interesting. I just looked at #cofounder and saw this. Tell me more
@frenchie852 the future is #richmedia, not plaintext, and we are trying to be at the front of this! Need #cofounders to make this happen!
@Exhibit_you #awesome
Very helpful info! –
Very helpful info – as usual!
Such a good article – just went over and followed TAA’s pinboard…
thanks for sharing your online wisdom! i love spending time on your site. i also have a blast on Pinterest, under my blankie on a rainy day. sometimes i wish i lived INSIDE my pin boards…
Hi! I just got set up with Pinterest yesterday and this article was really helpful! My Pinterest is :
Great article and tips! Very helpful 🙂 I absolutely love Pinterest!
Great post. I’m really interested to see how Pinterest deals with copyright issues down the road, because the current option of “opting out” really does defeat the purpose of a tool like Pinterest. I wonder if sites like deviantart have developed a successful model for preventing copyright infractions? If you’d like to learn more about Pinterest, Doug Antkowiak of Portent, Inc. is giving a webinar on the subject on Thursday, August 30 and you can sign up for free at
As always, intersting information. here is my work pinboard… I need to put more things in there, though 🙂
Great information, thanks for sharing! I’m just getting started with Pinterest!
Thank you.. I just joined today.
Would love to be able to expose my art to more people. http:/–my paintings are on the board jul313gallery. Thanks for promoting this!! Great idea
The first guy you recommended Peter Combe, only has one pin. So, I recommend you come on over and see my art pins!
Allison Reece/Abstract Artist
Asheville, NC
Thanks for pointing that out Allison! Looks like he removed all his pins.
Allison, just checked out your board-really like your work!! Julie Dailey/http:/
It seems that Pinterest and Etsy will be competing with each other soon.
I enjoy seeing other budding artist’s work on Pinterest. And of course it is a thrill to know many people will be looking at MY paintings. I also trust they will sort out the copyright details.
Great blog. Thanks for the advice. Here’s my Pinterest name daceydia (Dacey Vander Wal).
Thanks again.
Good advice. Pinterest is easy to use and does present artwork in a nice manner. Here’s my profile:
I’m always looking to repin artwork and make some connections.
I’m finding the idea of exposure on Pinerest very interesting. I didn’t know ther were so many others using it to showcase their work here’s my page
Abundantartist thanks for the tips above. I am relatively new to Pinterest also and have tapped into several of the social media. It is a bit to keep up with along with trying to paint:-) Thanks so much \\
Just found your blog tonight. Wish this kind of support had been accessible 10 years ago! But it’s here now! Thank you.
Pinterest account:
Great article. My Pinterest is @melipopart and you can find some of my work on my Portfolio board ( or on my website.
Thank you!
Great Article! I am currently getting into Pinterest, I do love the layout of the site.
All The Best!
Fairly new to The Abundant Artist, but learning SO much! Thanks!
Such helpful information, I’ve already made many of the changes that you suggested! My Pinterest profile is growing @
Great post as usual Cory! Will do. Here’s my profile. Thanks again 🙂
Thanks! I took lots of notes! My Pinterest profile is Janelle Nichol.
Thanks so much ~ Pinterest seemed to boost our holiday sales … Check out our Pinterest site at
Hi there great advice thankyou :-)) love reading your advice my board is on my partner’s pinterest 🙂
Thanks for the info, not ready to do it yet, but this is really good.
I really appreciate your insight .Thank you . Carla
Thanks for the honest info and links Cory. You point out the main key of all social media… To get folks to your website and to sign up for your mailing list.
That right there takes all the mystery out of social media marketing.
Thanks for opportunity to pin some of my artwork.
You can find it here and
Great Article- Its so helpful! I love Pinterest and have been posting my work regularly and appreciate all the tips and ideas!
Thank you!
I’m working on my WordPress website, but it’s slow going!
Here’s my art on Pinterest and thanks for sharing:
Thankyou for your insightful article. I have just joined pinterest today and now I am busy trying to work out how to use it properly!
I have a board on my pintrest account of my artwork. I will be adding other items other than the glass jar art very soon. Thank you for your consideration.
Kelly I just started putting some of my work on pinterest.
That link does not work:
And I did put my site in the yoursitehere spot.
Would you mind checking it for me.
Great stuff! I actually get a TON of business from Pinterest. And honestly, it’s mostly not even from my own pins or followers, but from people pinning the pictures from my website & then they end up getting circulated on their own. So I really feel like one of the most important things to add is to make SURE to include Pin It buttons (and set the description part too) on each & every picture on your site. There are tons of blog plugins to do this now, if you use a blog as your site. It’s been amazing for me! Here’s my pinterest:
Oops, and the board for my actual work is
Great resource, still trying to figure out how to add images to my boards……whilst dying to paint…how do I get more hands? Hmmmm,. My Pinterest is :
Have a brilliant sunshiny day!
Thanks for your very helpful post. My Pinterest site is
Great article, clearly written and very informative!
Thank you so much for this wonderful and informative article! I create whimsical woodland illustrations and am always looking for ways to get my work more exposure.
My Pinterest:
Awesome Web-site, Preserve the good work. Thank you!
Just getting started – but here it is 🙂
Just discovered your blog – absolutely love it! I just got “let go” from my programming job two days ago – but am excited because NOW I can focus on my art!
Thanks and kindest regards,
Congrats! Being let go was the best thing that ever happened to my career up to that point. 😉
I would love to have you show case some of my art work. I don’t know how to market my work.
great article! look forward to more info.
Hi there!
Nice article, however I would invite you to update one piece of content on it. The line that says re-pinned images don’t link back to the original source is abundantly incorrect. That is what makes Pinterest so appealing for marketers, the fact that no matter how many times an image is shared, it will always link back to the original source. Pinterest was cited in one study (the name of which escapes me) as now generating more traffic for the thousands of sites included in the research, over Bing, Yahoo, Ask and AOL (naturally the top traffic generator is still Google, but the point is that the link-back system that Pinterest uses is significant to driving visits to a pinner’s site).
Thanks for taking a look at this!
thanks for your article!
Here’s my art on Pinterest:
I like paintings with bold colours especially folk art
Just getting started on Pinterest!
Great article on Pinterest. I’m trying to work this great image sharing site into my marketing efforts. Thanks,
Thank you for this article–very helpful! I also just got started on Pinterest:
my pinterest profile
of now to finish reading article
thanks again ashar
oops shld be off
Thanks for these tips on Pinterest! Since I started pinning some of my own work, I’ve noticed that random people started pinning some of the pieces to their boards. It’s really important to have good descriptions so that other people can find your work through Pinterest’s search.
Thank you for this guide Cory!
I have only tried out pinterest a few months back, but I think I will give it another try. I have already made some reference collections before, but I like the idea of showing how I progress with an artwork.
I have also updated the descriptions of my artworks on Pinterest, every url I put there turns into a link which is great. I like to add the title of my artwork, my name + my website link, then the medium and the year of made, and finally I write something about the artwork itself.
My Pinterest page:
Here is also my pinterest 🙂 and thank you again for your tips. I’m very glad I found this site as it has a lot of questions on some of my answers that I have been struggling with.
i started following your Marketing for creatives board and the Art empower Artist board!
hope you can follow me! I am an Oil Painter (birds, landscapes, still life, portraits…)
Thanks for you helpful hints Cory. Here’s my link –
Great info, I use pinterest everyday for my business and personal use. It does drive some traffic to my site. It’s just one component of a larger plan. Here is my profile… Thanks for all your support!
Thank you for your advice. I hope it will help 🙂
Great tips Cory, here is my pinterest url
Very interesting post. I’m new to Pinterest, so will see how it goes!
As I suspected, you’re not an artist. It’s so typical of online marketers to say about artists in a high-pitched whine, “Wah!!!! Someone will steal my work!!!”
Your ridicule and glossing over of copyright is pathetic. Anyone can watermark anything. And there it goes, bye bye off into the internet for everyone. The point is to implement and understand copyright, and RESPECT the creators! Do you really want to be that guy that weakens copyright?
Of course, Pinterest steals and devalues your work, ESPECIALLY if you aren’t selling a product, like t-shirts.. The point is how to handle this, not pretend it isn’t happening.
My own diabolical plan is to post text on top of my cartoons, and then post on Pinterest. And then implement the no opt-in code. Fingers crossed.
Hi Donna – I can certainly understand your desire to protect your intellectual property. You did create it, and you it would be great to be compensated for it.
You may want to consider alternate points of view.
There are artists who consider copyright anathema to what it means to be an artist. Copyright can actually stifle artistic and scientific innovation. See this episode of our podcast where we talk with Gwenn Seemel about it.
Very interesting post. My pinterest is thx!
Hi, Cory 🙂 I love your site…always great info here. My pinterest page is:
Back in March, 2014, I started working on building my following on Pinterest. At that time, I had 147 followers.
I love Pinterest, so using it more was a no-brainer for me. I read several articles, and made a plan to build my following. Now, 6 months later, I am happy to say I have 1,314 followers! That is a 793% increase! I still have a lot to learn about using Pinterest for my art, but I feel like I have a good start.
Hi here is my pinterest profile. I have a board named art for sale with prices attached. If you could pin some of my pieces to you Board that would be great.
Here’s mine Cory!
Hello Cory-here is my page:
Hi Cory! I’ve been slowly adding to my pinterest boards and am beginning to build a following for my work. No direct sales from it yet but the traffic to my web site is increasing.
Hi! I’ve been trying to build up my Pinterest profile. Still trying to get work on my website more consistently as well.
Hi Cory,
I am just starting out on Pinterest.
Thanks for the great info/tips.
@Donna Barstow I have to agree with your synopsis of this post and can only ask how could a non artist possibly know what an artists needs are when it come to marketing when they know nothing of the arts in general? No offense to, Cory of course I know he means well and I do like his blog but I think this would be a subject that should be proven by some kind of history or background before writing about it. As being an artist my whole life there are many things here I have to disagree with about posting fine art on Pinterest. Most galleries and/or art reps.have pretty much the same policy as to when it comes to having the exclusive to an artist work. They simply don’t want everyone else selling what they are which keeps the pricing where it should be for a fine art piece. Personally I don’t list in galleries but then that’s my preference as I do fine on my own and will be opening my own gallery soon. However if you have images of your work plastered all over the internet, it actually devalues the work and makes it no longer special to the buyer and/or collector unless of course you plan on mass producing your work like Thomas Kincaid and Walt Disney Productions did with his work. In fact most of Kincaid’s Disney work was not even painted by him personally, but that’s a whole different issue. Personally the only value I see of an artist using Pinterest is to selling an artists at the lower end of what I call “coffee cup” “calender art”. I absolutely would not even show my fine art online even in my own websites gallery. It is only the serious who will come for a private viewing no matter where they are from and will call if you brand yourself on and off line correctly. My work that I show online now is my decorative art and mural painting. Although it is flattering as it is, I have had 18 occurrences of people copying my decorative art work alone and claiming it as their own that I have had to deal with in the past. And quite frankly I simply don’t have the time to keep up with a couple of hundred pictures posted on Pinterest. So in closing I would have to say it works both ways as to being good and bad it just really depends on what what your goals are and how you use it. Just because I don’t use it to market my fine art doesn’t mean I don’t use it to branding myself as an artist……After all, there is more than one way to paint a cat …..Peace!
ArtMorehead My only response is that images by Picasso, Warhol, Dali, and Van Gogh are ubiquitous. That doesn’t mean their art is less valuable. The common availability of a particular image only drives up the recognition of the artist.
Hi Cory, I have just recently signed up for your newsletters and find them so helpful. I’m also building up my followers on Pinterest:
Thanks, mary
Great info! Thank you!
Thanks for the info!
Really appreciate your clear, cut-to-the-chase info & presentation….sure glad you’re doing what you’re doing!!
My pinterest site.
Thank you Johannus
Thanks for the article.
My website is:
thanks for the great article. my pinboard with my own art is here, it does not work for me to put a price on the pin. what am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much for this article. I love seeing everyone’s boards – very inspirational.
My encaustic work is on pinterest at
Happy new year,
Thanks for a helpful article. I’ve just recently started a Pinterest board and finding out how to utilize it!
Great article. Pinterest…love hate…like a candy store I get lost in and hours will pass by before I come up for air. I tend not to worry about copyright of my work since I produce far too much. It can be stolen from my blogs or my website so why worry about pinterest and facebook…its all over the place…now if that would equate with sales life would be perfect!!! HAHA
My Pinterest account is I don’t get how it all works but I posted some drawings awhile ago…I hear this platform is great for artists.
Great post, and thank you for prompting artists to share their links here! I’ll definitely check some of these profiles out! Here is mine:
Here is my pinterest profile!
Thanks for sharing some ideas I hadn’t thought of! You can follow my boards here:
Hi Cory,
This is a fabulous resource and I am so happy to have found you! I look forward to learning from you. I can be found on Pinterest at
Here’s my pinterest! 🙂
…& years later, your articles are still helping people. You have convinced me to start a pinterest page. Here it is:
Oh, duuhh!! Why didn’t I think of that before? To pin my artwork. Did it immediately after reading it in this article the first time. 😀 Thanks a lot for your insiders tips. They are really helping me along! *rushes of for the next article*
My available work on pinterest and where to get it:
Thanks for the great article and info Cory! You have helped re-ignite the stoke for the business side of Art.
Here is my pinterest link, set up today!
Great article. Thanks
Thanks Cory
Im sure ive done this reply twice. There really is little hope for me.
HI Corey…great article…I have just started drawing and pinning. Thanks for the info. You can find me at
I can’t figure out how to get that Pinterest source link to work to see who’s pinning your. Do you post your Pinterest name in there? Do you post your URL? It won’t work for some reason…Probably user error. 🙂
Here’s my board link!
I post other’s prints in another board on my profile!
This was very informative, Cory. I love Pinterest. I post my blog there and keep inspiration boards. It is difficult to figure out how to use it to grow your business…so thank you! You can find me at
Thanks Cory, I’ve gone ahead and put prices on my pinterest board just now and added the copyright notice as well for good measure. I appreciate the information your site provides and looking forward to adopting more of your useful tips.
My pinterest board of my own art can be found at
Thanks for these tips. I just discovered the world of Pinterest. Once I find a new home for my website I am going to start using it to connect my site up with Pinterest. I’ve made notes of your tips to help me get going.
I’m the fairy queen of pinterest all thought their copyright suspicious
I find your information easy to understand and follow to put into practice, Cory. Thank you. I just got started on Pinterest at
Very informative article . . . re-visiting Pinterest again in order to bring traffic to my website. Good tips & advice. Thank You.
My Pinterest link is: all this but NOW how do i get my work on pinterest? make it simple because i am tho i’m a hell of an artist[at 82].
WOW!!..Cory!..What a great article it was really informative and I got a lot out of your explanation’s of the why , what , how , and when of pinterest…Thank you so much… take a look at my site if you have time..i paint animals mostly…I am at or ….Thank You Happy Trails To You! Rae-Lynne
Thanks Cory!
This was so helpful as I have been on Pinerest but not sure how to use it for my art business. I do have boards but just those I am interested in so am sellective. You will find me at Tag Fine Arts Studio
I really enjoyed this article. I never really thought of using Pinterest to sell my work even though I have been using it for a while personally.
My Pinterest boards can be found at
Thanks for the article.
Kyle Reynolds
Hi my name is Lee Ann Zirbes, I am a painter of fine art Impressionism Fauvism & Abstract Impressionism Landscapes, Seascapes and Garden Art I have been drawing and painting all of my life. My kindergarten teacher told my mom that I was drawing and coloring buttons on people’s coats and flowers on their hats during art. That statement seemed to indicate that I had a future as an artist.
I meant to say Abstract Expressionism
Thanks for the article. I started my Pinterest board a few months ago, but set up a specific one last night for my artwork. I will continue to populate it.
Hi, very interesting thoughts! I am forwarding my pinterest link, yes I will be joining the courses this month!
Have fun, Mar
Check out custom oil and watercolor paintings by artocrat!
Pinterest board of our portfolio:
Profile on Pinterest:
My Pinterest account!
Thank you so much for all of this information. It really validated what my own observations have been and gave me a few additional tips too!
My ART – contemporary, women, spiritual, colorful, fun, uplifting, holistic, healthy, yoga, qigong, energy medicine, play, nature – all my journey- all of me in my art!
Joanne Healey
Contemporary artist
Thank you!
Hi 🙂 I have been going through your blog last few days and it motivated me so much that yesterday I created my shop on Etsy with first ten pieces to sell and after this article I also connected it with my Pinterest.
Thank you so much for all your effort!
I paint for only year and half now- what do you think about my art?
Thank you for your feedback and have a beautiful day
My Pinterest account –
Thanks for all this info Cory. I’ve been reading a lot of your posts, listening to podcasts, etc and trying to implement many of your suggestions. I’ve been on Pinterest for a long time but did not really use it to my advantage for my artwork. I will be trying to consolidate my boards and work to make my art boards more prominent. Thanks@
Thanks Cory….
I need to work harder at this, thanks for the info
Some good tips here. Any indication if Pinterest have sorted their t&cs yet?
My board is
Very nice post.
Great article! I am still trying to figure out the best way to use Pinterest to sell, this article was a great help.
Thanks for the helpful info! My pinterest page is:
Stumbled across your article while trying to research ways to expand my page traffic and hopefully make some sales… Thankfully years after you wrote this it still is very helpful and had some great points. Thank you!
Thanks for all the great insights 0n Pinterest I’m just beginning on my boards!
Thank you Cory. I’m determined to sell my portrait art regularly and have that be my new business. I am 41. A couple of years ago I became a portrait artist, before that I was terrible at drawing or painting. I applied some self help and spiritual books and focused myself to draw and paint portraits. I have a landscaping business but I am determined to sell my art regularly. Just like a applied to be able to do portraits I’m convinced I can have this be my new business. I’m up to 1300 Facebook likes on my business page , I’m on Instagram and now trying to figure out Pinterest. So I had a handful of people hire me to do portraits some for their pets and some for their children and for people who had lost a love one and a loved pet. I started doing portraits for free then $50, then $200 and my last one was for $250 and they came from mostly my art facebook page and people I know. I am still a little lost to get consistent customers and build my email list but I will focus to figure it out. I love capturing the essence of the person or animal I am drawing/painting. Here’s my Pinterest info. If you would like to see my website it is Thank you If you can recommend what to purchase and or what else to do I appreciate it.
Thank you Sal
Here’s mine:
See ya on Pinterest
Here is the link to my artwork. Thanks for the article!
This is my Pinterest:
Thanks. great resource.
Thanks for a helpful article.
Thanks for the article! Older but it’s still good information.
I’ve just used this article to tidy up my Pinterest board and add two boards for my own art (why hadn’t I done that?) One of finished pieces and one for works in progress. Thank you – I’m slowly but surely getting there with my online presence!
Great post just finished reading til the end.
Here is my pinterest
Hi Cory, Great read, very informative. Here is mine
The question I ask is do art buyers use Pinterest? Sure there are a lot of the Etsy (average transaction amount is in the $35 range) crowd on Pinterest. But what about buyers of original art, of large paintings, of sculptures? Do they use Pinterest or do they visit sites like Saatchiart or 1stdibs? I have yet to see an article that addresses this.
here’s my pintrest.
I’ll have a lot more work to add in time. I also hope to gain interest in my web-comic. The website is
Hi! Great info! Thank you so much for sharing! Here’s my info!
Heading to on over to pin your sites! Cheers!
My Pinterest profile is – and I appreciate your networking skills and sales savvy.
Because my artwork appeals more to the commercial environment (interior designers, corporate purchasing agents, healthcare facilities managers / administrators) – Pinterest has steered clients to purchase prints and products with my designs on them.
With more research gathered from your sources, I’m confident sales will increase.
Thank you, Catharine