Four years ago this month, was born as a simple blog. A side project while I was working at an internet marketing firm, TAA was my answer to my artist friends who were asking me how to sell art online. It was an exploration of the idea that artists must be poor to make good art.
Obviously, that’s not true. 😉
In my time as a missionary with the Chinese community, I learned that they give away gifts on their birthdays. I’d like to honor that tradition today by giving away a bunch of cool stuff for TAA’s birthday.
Right Brain Business Plan Stuff
If you haven’t seen my interview with Jennifer Lee about business plans for artists, you should check it out. I’ve got a few copies of her book, the accompanying workbook, the Dream Box Kit, and some other fun stuff.
Wild Money Stuff
Luna Jaffe is an artist, certified financial advisor, and she has this neat book that is all about teaching creative people how to handle their money.
How to Get It
1. Leave a comment letting me and the community know what your favorite thing about has been over the last four years. It might be learning to sell your art online, finally believing in yourself enough to make it happen, a particular blog post or class – whatever! Extra points if you use your artistic voice to do so – images, poetry, etc. OR
2. Share TAA with someone you care about! Whether it’s via email, social media, printing out and posting on someone’s wall, or broadcast on TV (anyone?), if we’ve affected you in a positive way, please share that change. Again, extra points for doing so in a creative, artistic way.
I’ll pick the winner in a totally arbitrary way sometime this week and follow up with you to get your address for shipping.
Thanks again for being a reader, fan, customer, and friend! You’ve made my life super interesting over the last four years.
This has been a great help to me answered many questions, even some I had not thought of. and has increased sales. For anyone who is thinking about a art lesson THIS is it, you learn and keep on going. I have joined many companys and ART empowers me is the only one that i have got results from that help me do what i want (not what someone else has in mind) happy painting almajo artist
Happy Birthday Cory! Thank you for putting together amazing resources for a community that truly needs them 😀
Hey, I’ve been following TAA on facebook and on your blog for a few months. I finally got a chance to sign up for the! course/community. I’m super excited to learn how to turn my passion of painting and creating art into a income producing business rather than the hobby its been. Thank you, Cory, for stepping out and creating TAA to help artists become art businessmen 🙂
Great advice on what my website needs and how to sell online.
I have learned a lot getting the updates from TAA! I took the Facebook workshop and it spurred me to do more internet marketing using social media. Keep up the great work Cory! Happy Birthday TAA!
i took your Facebook webinar and learned a lot about selling my art on FB and am excited to be trying out your ideas this week!! 🙂
I just discovered TAA a few months ago as I’m preparing to leave my miserable 8-5 job to pursue my passion for art full time. The name alone “The Abundant Artist” drew me in as I work to shake the predominant paradigm of “the starving artist”. There isn’t anything I’ve seen on this site that hasn’t been helpful (sorry for the double negative ;)). Marketing is a scary thing and I’m so excited to have you and this site as a guide. As I move forward in my new art career, I know I’ll be relying on your guidance more and more! Thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I like the Jennifer Lee interview and her fun illustrated business plan. on one of the videos, good advice was given on using WordPress for my main website.
I like the fact that this is all free… Thank you Cory
I need help and I’m trying to decide if I can pull this off . making a living at art. these tools may help.
thanks again for all the videos and blogs
The Abundant Artist is a place full of promise, showing me that artists can and do sell their work, it’s a place to learn how to follow in their footsteps, get support from TAA community and most importantly, raises the belief I can do the same.
This is my first time checking this out as I saw a link on the WDS FB group. I am very interested and am now going to read more of your blogs. I shared this video on my Twitter. As an artist and filmmaker, I am looking forward to hear what you say.
Gingerly yours,
Hey Alexia! Love following your Kickstarter progress. Keep it going!
Dear Cory, I have been a keen follower of TAA and have saved every email for the past few years I have in a folder. When you first started TAA I sent you some emails and photos of my work, I am not so great with computers and inspite of Ms Dinwiddy’s and your wonderful video tutorials I have not yet made myself a website! Yes SHOCKING. I am elderly and live a very much hermit’s life, in a rural area. My daughter and son in law are both wonderfully creative people with excellent skills I believe that they would be really inspired by a gift of the exciting concept of Ms.Lee’s delightful creative Business Plan. I would love to have this gift and to pass it on to my beautiful children and to introduce them to TAA and the Art Empowers Me community. I may even get the help I need to get up my own website with them. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION to all artists. Alecia. PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope for millions more!
Learned from you that I don’t have to be poor to be an artist. Still am, but I’m making progress!
Hi Cory, by far the best inspiration I have had from TAA over the last year has been listening to the inspiring stories and interviews you have had with other artists, who took the leap, and lived their truth !! Keep up the great work
Hi Cory,
I have been following you for about 6 months and recently took your Facebook marketing seminar. I have been working at other non art jobs the past 5 years to “supplement” my income and realized that life is too short! I am planning on creating a new Website thanks to your youtube Word Press videos and continue to learn more about marketing my work with Facebook. Even though I have been doing this for 35 years and able to sell my work, I can never seem to make a comfortable living. Yet, these other jobs are stealing my soul! I often lost the belief in myself and find it so hard to “market” my work. Thank you for jump starting my life. I am excited to get up in the morning and make this happen!
Happy Birthday TAA! I love how you explode the myth that artists are poor and can’t make a living through their talents and abilities.Woohoo!
Well, hard to describe the impact you have had on my “life”…I am now an ‘Artist” that is taking myself seriously! I just tried one of the suggestions of exposing my art on Facebook and asking for a title from fellow FB’s and the winner will get a free print! Wow the response!! The “credible” feeling is so wonderful and motivating! Thank you!!!
I’m an artist who has finally heeded her calling after too many years of ignoring my creativity. The Abundant Artist speaks in a way that resonates best with me. You have clearly laid-out resources and are interactive with your readers, and we need that!
Hi Cory, I’ve been following TAA on facebook and I’m on your email list. I love the site! It has helped me keep pushing and given me so many ideas on how to get ‘out there’ more to grow my customer list and following. Thanks for all your inspiration and drive!!
loved the flower for right brainers. I would love to have help with my art and with setting up my website. I have blundered into a blog and I am taking another education course but the tech stuff is a universe unto itself. ja
Happy Birthday TAA! I am a relatively new subscriber and want to thank you for all your great ideas and resources. I’m still getting up to speed and find you are such a valuable resource — if not THE best!
I just discovered your site a few weeks ago, through another artist who subscribes.
I have shared some of your posts on FineArtStudioOnline’s forum, and through LinkedIn.
I also have unique opportunity to share information, in my position as an artist support agent for FASO.
Wow, generous stuff Cory, thanks for the opportunity, and Happy Birthday TAA! Favorite thing… (corny limerick alert!)
As I create art in my own way
I’m learning a little each day
To use Facebook and more
As an internet “store”
And it’s all thanks to you, TAA!
Knowing there are plenty of others who feel the same way I do about my art and the business I want to make of it.
Hi Cory,
Found your site and it has provided great information about being an artist and being a successful, well paid artist. I liked the article on the artist sold $50K in art online. Although I am not there yet, I am in pursuit! Thanks for the great info and please, keep it coming. Your information is shared with an art group I am involved with as well. Happy Birthday!
I stumbled on TAA completely by accident. The amazing part was that I found it at a time in my art career that I needed it most! I was frustrated, broke and on the verge of giving up my dream of making my living as a professional artist. HOWEVER, I DID find TAA….and through all the wonderful tools and guidance, I am slowly becoming profitable and back on track to earn my way in this world with my art! I’m not there yet, but closing the gap. Keep it coming, Cory! I can’t thank you enough!
Happy Birthday, to my favorite art info site. Thank you for picking up where my college art department left off. For the creative types, write, paint, photograph, sculpt are as much how you think as what you do. The Abundant Artist is helping me link that artistic insight to the world of business. In the few weeks since I have found your site I have already been inspired to change my marketing. (And inspired to try new things with my art) Thank you for corralling so much helpful and encouraging information in one spot!
Following you for the past couple of years has helped me realize I am not alone. I can and should follow my passion as an artist. I love your videos with Melissa. I just finished a commission piece . First onein 10 years. I am a single stay at home mom trying to fit art in where I can. I don’t have any friends near by who want a creative art business. So you at TAA have helped me light that passion and see that it is possible. Thank you.
Hi Cory
In response to your email/blog on free stuff-
I will be sending your blog to friends on my email list and to some of my friends on linkedin- I hope this qualifies me for some of your free stuff…. my life has gotten in the way of my art business periodically and I know that it all waits for me soon. I am a great fan… Sincerely Kim Wilkie
Your blog has been very helpful to me as I have been working to meet vocational rehabiltation goals for self-employment. I did attend the Right Brain Business Plan online broadcast this winter. I bought the book. I also enjoyed the post “How I made $50,000 on FB” Mostly following along with AA has made me feel much less lonely in my studio business pursuits. It has provided me with great encouragement when spinal adhesive arachnoiditis impairs my work day and my motivation. Many thanks to you for all of your efforts to keep us informed and connected. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! And, thank you for being so generous with your gifts.
I’m so grateful to have stumbled onto your work. It’s been several months now and everything I’ve read on your blogs, or listened to on an interview audio has taught me something valuable.
I really appreciate that your site and what you offer covers so much of what an artists needs to powerfully move forward with their art business.
Keep up the great work!
Sincerely, Laurie Morse
Hi Corey,
The greatest value I’ve received is your gentleness combined with the wisdom of your experience. In a sea of hype and “yelling”, lingo, fads, and pushing, I experience calm and generous happiness through your sharings. You are a gem, and I am so grateful for you and what you offer. Oh, yes…and the essence of your message…that yes, making art as a gift and “way” in this world is possible…Thanks for all you do, and Happy Birth-Day! Stede
I look forward to your encouragement through email. I am very interested in becoming an artist. I’ve been talented all my life, but need to kick off and start. Your blog gives me hope that this can really happen. I’m wondering if I should go to school. I’m not wealthy. I’m on ssi, but I know I can work on getting a full ride somewhere. I will be 29 this month. Thank you!
Your information is definitely helping me as I put together a plan to reinvent my life from former office worker to one following my passion for creating glass art. It is developing slowly, but one day I know it will blossom. Thank you for helping all of us.
Hi Cory, I am new to your email list and it is the first subscription I did with my new business’ email address, and gave your emails their own folder. I appreciate being brought up to speed on the new world of art markets, though I know there is a lot more to learn, at least you have given me a place to start. I think I liked your interviews best, especially the one with the artist specialising in Wine Country paintings, (sorry can’t remember her name and couldn’t find an easy link back to the interview).
Love TAA! Helps me not feel totally inept! LOL. It has also helped to market a little and get noticed
I found your web site about a year ago. The information you’ve posted has been very valuable. I built a new web site with your help. My goal is to sell more finished photography art online and offline. I look forward to the future of TAA and all the additional things you have to say.
I am new to TAA, came across you via Facebook 🙂 less than a month ago. I am really enjoying the information that I have gained thus far from TAA, my confidence is increasing and so is the Fun of beginning to sell my art on line. I Love your name too, The Abundant Artist…says it all:)
My favorite thing is the blog posts. Love getting the little tidbits of information in bite-size form. Thanks for what you do!
Discovering TAA was such a blessing ~and a great “boost” for my creative career! I had my first solo show shortly after I began reading this blog, and the journey since has been such a wonderful adventure. I have learned so much and am so grateful for Corey’s work! <3
Hi, Cory 🙂 Happy Birthday TAA! I found your website through Jennifer Lee’s free webinar, and I have been following your blog for about 6 months now….it is super helpful. I am at the beginning of my art adventure, and am trying to apply what I am learning. Much Love!!
Oh, and we share a birth-Month. My birthday was the 15th of Sept 🙂
Hi Cory,
Happy Birthday! I just ordered Jennifer Lee book from will be arriving soon. Thank you for the video, I think it will give me guidance for moving forward.
I love TAA just for the fact we can be in the loop together and support each other no matter how far or how little down the track we are. I love how the artist is centre stage and the assistance of moving the art into the big wide world is valued.
Dear Cory,
Your Blog has been most generous and encouraging -a very American, can-do, practical approach to an otherwise daunting task.
I will now learn the computer skills required to follow through and get my work onto the worldwide market.
The Maths are good. If I can sell an original for £2000, surely I can sell 100 reproductions at £100 each!
You are absolutely right. There is no reason to be poor!
Happy Birthday, TAA! I’m so proud of you. You fill artists’ minds with possibility and positive energy so we can stay in the flow! The tips are helpful and specific. Thank you!
I have only just started watching videos and reading tips for TAA but am already inspired and very grateful to you for your generosity in sharing what you know. Many artists are secretive about what works for them (understandably I may add as competition is fierce) so it really refreshing to see such good advice – much of it for free. Thanks all!!! Gill
Hi Cory,
Actually, I just came randomly across your site not long ago and I really haven’t had much time to really dig in. But I LOVE it so far. I am a decorative artist and slowly delving into the fine art world of which I know nothing about! So I’m really hoping I will learn a lot from you! Thanks for being here!
My favourite thing about TAA is the generous manner in which the tips for success are shared. It has become clear to me that there is potential for artists who care enough about their craft to invest time on the business side of their artwork to attain success. Thanks for all the information. I look forward to future learnings.
Hi Cory! I found your site about 6 months ago when I decided to quit my career and become an artist/writer 😀 Your site gave me hope that this was possible. Although I’m still in the beginning of my journey, I refer to your website for everything artsy before I look elsewhere. Thanks for your dedication to helping artists!
I’ve just joined but I’m totally enjoying your site! Ann Rea sparked a lot of ideas for me to implement into my selling.
I was in galleries for 10 years and I agree that selling in galleries is not the way to go! Boy, I could share some insights into that area to help others avoid pitfalls! I think it’s time for artists to take responsibility for their success and loving your insights!
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Too gushy?
Cory and I have already talked about this, so this is for the rest of you all.
I continue to be impressed by the common sense practical how-to lessons, recordings, and videos presented by you two. Especially useful is all the WordPress content.
I’m going to be real honest here; I don’t have much use for the self-empowerment content, I have explored that in books, seminars etc. ad infinitum.
I built a website for myself and my husband using AEM videos. We both had existing web presence by the way. He’s been getting all kinds of new contracts through the WordPress site I made for him For me it’s been slower, although this week I was contacted by a woman who wants private weekly painting lessons , and every day I get at least one new user to my website.
Thanks Cory and Melissa. There are a lot of people wanting me to pay them a lot of money to help sell my art. Some have been useful, others not so much.
What you do is unique and powerful good.
I have shared you with others, just a few days ago in fact, but will share on FB.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity
Oh! and today I was contacted my ‘Tangerine Meg’ of AEM and she has created a Pet Portrait Directory website. She wants to join forces with other folks who paint critters. So, I’m going to begin posting with her.
I have been subscribing to TAAR for months now and really appreciate the practical and applicable advice, knowledge and motivation to help artists. I am a full time mom now and really need the encouragment and focus to do what I can to keep my dreams of an artistic career going. TAA is helping me do this! Thank you!
(Ceramic artist)
So inspiring! Happy Birthday! Just getting into this but I love it already and have shared it with my Action Group!
Hi, I just discovered your blog and I’m so glad I did. You have so much great content I think I could read for days. Happy b-day!
Found you by accident last year when I was looking how to market. Your advice on Mailchimp was sooooo helpful! Some of my My favorite things about your website are the amount of helpful articles you have regarding marketing(when friends ask me about marketing Igive them your website) …and your cute dimples 🙂
Hi Cory,
I’m just starting out and doing the research part of my business plan. I’ve wanted to be a professional artist since college and never made the leap. I’ve known what I’ve been missing is the business piece but I’m working to acquire that knowledge as fast as I can now. Your book suggestions, esp. Wild Money, sound terrific. And thanks for your website. I’ve added you to my circles, facebook, and twitter feeds that I follow. I can guarantee you’ll be getting promotion from me as my following grows!
Thanks again.
You have a very nice website. It’s working good and nice to look at too. I just love to read all the articles and pray for something to soak in. : ) Thanks
I’ve just discovered The Abundant Artist and I am so excited to read all the info you are sharing here. It is exactly what I needed in this moment. I am not sure when the give away ends but I would love to be part of it.
Hi Cory……4 years is fantastic! My web-designer introduced me to your blog a few years ago. I am totally out of my comfort zone with marketing, doing the art and living life in general. I am grateful to the depth of what you offer artists. I did not know that Facebook owns Instagram until I read your blog. I am new to Instagram and wish to forage ahead. Again, Thanks.